My Mixing Bowl Second Anniversary

July 22, 2014

Today is the second anniversary of My Mixing Bowl, which started back on July 22, 2012 with a post about garlic scape pesto.  Over the past year, I've added 87 posts with new recipes, restaurant reviews, travel tips, and musings about Peeps.

Thank you to everyone who's been following along with my culinary journey.  And although I didn't get around to making a birthday cake for my blog, I did make some anniversary garlic scape pesto.


Boiled New Potatoes with Garlic Scape Pesto
A new and delicious way to use garlic scape pesto-with new potatoes from our CSA



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Dear Stacy,
I love your posts and I think you could get paid to do reviews of restaurants, or for a column in a newspaper! Is a CSA a food co-0p?


Thank you so much!
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. We purchase a share of a local farmer's crop before the growing season starts, and then get a portion of the harvest of vegetables and fruit once a week for the 17-week growing season (usually from mid-June to late October). The contents of our CSA box are different each week, and since the farmer chooses the produce it's a great way to taste things we might not otherwise try.


Congratulations on your blog's second anniversary. You're a wonderful writer and I'm glad you've found a creative outlet. Since I am hardly an adventurous cook I've enjoyed reading about your food journey! The travel writing has been a lot of fun. I loved your take on your Baltic cruise and look forward to reading about future adventures.

In reply to by SLB (not verified)


Thank you! I'm happy that you've enjoyed following along on my food journey and travels, the Baltic cruise posts were a lot of fun to write.